Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No More Nursing

It's official, I am no longer nursing. My heart is saddened! And most people think I'm crazy, but Jonas is my last baby and I will never nurse again. What a most precious gift I have been able to share with my babies, I will always cherish those moments! I nursed Danielle Lila for 7 months, Tytus for 8 months, Isaiah only 1 month, that was sad for me also, and Jonas 11 months (the longest of course because he is my last). I know that nursing is not for everyone, but I totally would recommend it. I loved it! I can't even put it in words to describe how I feel about it. I do know that I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to enjoy this blessing!

(the above picture is actually one of Isaiah taken at a photo shoot for a friends project, pics of infants and children to be displayed at the Chandler Regional Hospital in Chandler Arizona. Isaiah was getting fussy so we had to take a nursing break. My friend had this beanie that she had wanted to use for herself but never got a chance to, so she asked if I would mind being photographed. I absolutely love it! She said it was one that was chosen to be displayed in the hospital, but I never got a chance to see it.)


  1. I feel the same way about nursing. Sometimes it's super inconvenient, but most of the time I love it! I will probably nurse Milo a long time too cuz he's probably my last.
